Monday, February 13, 2012

Show Me A Sign (Monday Links)

According to the Howard County Municipal Sign Code, the start date for when political signs relating to the April 3, 2012 primary were allowed was February 3, 2012 (60 days out from the election).  By my amateur survey of Howard County's hills and valleys, no one seems all that interested.

By the look of things, the HoCo GOP may have to consider mounting their horses sometime soon.  Whether it is Mitt, Rick, or Newt, the Nomination is unlikely to be locked up by April 3, barring some kind of sweep on Super Tuesday (March 6th). Even then, the new delegate structure whereby the runner-up gets proportional delegates may permit the hangers-on to hang-on well past the house-guest/dead fish mark.

More importantly, where are our Board of Education candidates?  I very well may have missed it, but I recall there having been numerous forums well before the primary in 2010.  Not to puff our collective chests, but smart candidates will find themselves at the Corner Stable this evening to get their name out in a game where that ends up being 70% of the effort (with the other 30% being where that name falls amongst the alphabet).

Whatever you're putting in the ground, tread lightly.  I know of a good number of friends that will steadfastly refuse to vote for anyone who places illegal signs (i.e., those found along public property).  We all know you didn't ask the round-about's permission before placing that sign.

I am reserving at least one of my primary votes for whomever has the most signage.  It seems like the American thing to do.


The Fed's may be cutting back, but Maryland's two largest federal employers, Social Security and the Center for Medicaid and Medicare, are staying put at about the same size they are at now.

This article made me happy: "Bill seeks to keep guilty pols from getting paychecks, pensions."  Depending on the political bent of the person you are speaking with, you may often hear the phrase that Maryland is the "most corrupt state" in the Union.  More times than not, the individual is referring to ethics and corruption prosecutions, which are not really a fair measure of actual corruption.  The places you really want to watch out for are those where everyone says things are peachy-keen.

Jessica Anderson's article regarding the Elkridge CSX site makes some of our Howard County polliterati (yeah, that's right, I made up a word) look like a bunch of citizens filing FOIA requests regarding additional costs to CSX related to the potential sites for the intermodal facility.  She closes with a breath-taking stat: "CSX and the state estimate that the transfer cargo site will generate more than $18 billion in direct and indirect economic activity and 6,700 jobs over 30 years."  Looks like the people that will really be affected by the new intermodal site have yet to arrive.

Featured Blog Post of the Day: HowChow welcomes newcomers with a "tiny tour" of Howard County cuisine, lamenting that no matter what, you're going to have to get in your car.  He includes the most important tip -- "Then read HowChow more and see what else you'd want."  That's what I do.

That's all for today.  Sorry if the post was a little "blah."  The Baltimore Sun was more slow than normal and I feel like I may be stuck in first gear.  I have a mini-vacation on the horizon, which will be much needed and much appreciated.

Have a great Monday doing what you love!