Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ken Goes Wicomico

A friend of the blog forwarded me this invitation regarding an "informal reception" held by Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt on behalf of this "talented and conscientious young man" preparing for "a gubernatorial run".  I think this may be the closest we've come in our "keeping my options open so long as you mean 'Governor'" sweepstakes.

This is relevant for reasons other than the "G-word".  Rick Polllitt was the O'Malley Campaign Chairperson for Wicomico County in 2010 and even went to the mat for the Governor earlier this year over allegations about the Gov's relationship with Perdue Farms.

These are dark days for Anthony Brown's gubernatorial hopes.  "Keep your vague love notes to yourself, boss.  When do I get to meet your friends?"