When the Inner Arbor Plan and Trust passed 8-2 on February 14, many felt that a great accomplishment had been reached. The Columbia Association showed it was ready to lead on something big. In a way, things felt new. The old arguments of obstinance and acrimony were gone in favor of the progress of big ideas. More importantly, those that had worked so hard to help win the vote on February 14th felt that it was a win they could keep.
Then there was this:
From: howard-citizen@yahoogroups.com [mailto:howard-citizen@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of alex hekimian
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 2:43 PM
To: HCCA Yahoo Group
Subject: RE: [howard-citizen] post problems?
Yes, your message came through with broad spacing between lines of text.
By the way, Norma Rose has been considering running for Columbia Council from Wilde Lake. She made a big pitch for Cy's plan for Phase 1 of Symphony Woods at yesterday's Wilde Lake Village Board meeting. Apparently she was discouraged by that meeting, so now she says she will not run. Could you call her right away and urge her to reconsider and run for the position? Her name recognition and standing in the community would give her a great chance to defeat Regina Clay, who has been opposed to moving forward with Cy's plan.
Russ Swatek is trying to find Columbia Council candidates in other villages as well. There is an opportunity that with Columbia Council contests in several villages and a new CA Board, the battle for Phase 1 of Symphony Woods can be won. Otherwise, the chances are dim.
In Wilde Lake, there are only two more days before the deadline to file for Columbia Council. So, time is of the essence. Ask others to call Norma as well.
Village Elections, including the Columbia Association Board of Directors, are scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2013. If you live in Columbia, please mark that day on your calendar. We'll need your support. Not to "defeat" anyone, but to stand up for something bigger.