Monday, July 8, 2013

Ellicott City Wins Paint What Matters

Main Streets Matter.  Ellicott City won!  Our main street was picked as one of 20 towns to be revitalized by Benjamin Moore.

This is a special win.  As someone who grew up here, I can't remember the last time Old Ellicott City received a grant, special award, or significant outside funding to do much of anything.  Over the last two years or so, the Ulman Administration has been very supportive of Ellicott City with over $3 million in new projects planned over the next five years, but other than that, things have been up to business-owners and residents to get done whatever needed to get done.

What is particularly exciting about this announcement is that it is paired with another ongoing effort to have Main Street Ellicott City officially recognized as a "National Main Street" by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  This would entitle our town for grant funding for future beautification efforts and, in pursuit of this goal, establish a Town Manager who would function in a role similar to Phil Nelson in managing Ellicott City, advocating for its needs, and making it a better place.

But the Main Street effort needs your help.  We need sponsors to help get the project off the ground and fulfill the application criteria for recognition.  If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact me and I will link you in with those managing this effort.  This is bigger than getting your name on a poster.  It would make you, and your company, a founder of something new in Old Ellicott City.  A founder of a new town...with a new coat of paint.

Have a great Monday doing what you love!