Please find time today or this weekend to watch this presentation by Michael McCall about the Inner Arbor Plan and Trust.
February feels like ages ago, but I still remember the optimism a number of us felt after that plan passed. The Columbia Association was participating in the rebirth of Columbia by offerring a new crown jewel.
I've continued to follow the process from afar. Whenever I see someone from CA or run into a Board member, I'll ask, "What's going on with the Inner Arbor Plan?" Despite our vote enabling every step necessary to make this magnificent park a reality, our experience with CA governance should have reminded us that we weren't quite done.
Please take the time to remind your Columbia Council representative that you support this plan and want to see it happen. You don't know if your e-mail will be the one that gets the critical vote or turns an undecided into an advocate. We need those voices to be heard.
In the meantime, watch this video and rekindle the inspiration that made you care about a park in the first place. We're almost there.