- First and foremost, I've started a new job working with Talkin & Oh, LLP in Ellicott City doing land use/zoning and continuing my security clearance practice. It is quite disorienting to dedicate oneself to a new area of law after practicing an entirely different field for nearly six years, but this work lines up with my interests and talents in ways that were never available in medical malpractice (my former field). I also have the confidence of working with two of the best attorneys in the field who will challenge me to get up to speed quickly and meet their level of work.
- Last month Nicole (Indiana Jane) and I tried Haven on the Lake. It was fantastic. Rob Goldman gave us a full tour before we settled in for a "Flow Yoga" class. The amenities are unlike anything else available in Howard County. You feel like you are at a resort, particularly around the Movement and Relaxation Pools. The yoga instructor was one of the best I've seen (and yes, I've done yoga 10-12 times in my life, none of it pretty). Admittedly, the membership rates are outside of what we can afford right now, but I want to push back on the notion that we can't have a "high end" facility among the CA offerings. If we're going to be a community that welcomes retirees and encourages people to "age in place", this is precisely the kind of experience that will make people want to live here in their golden years. And as an added bonus for those who have children, there is a day care facility on site, which watched our (then) 4 month old as we participated in the class. Four stars all around. This is a top flight endeavor.
- The newly restructured Columbia Festival of the Arts kicks off TONIGHT with Spark! and goes through the weekend. You can check out a schedule here. Although I've recently joined the Board, I have not been as active as I would have liked due to the job-switch and continuing duties of fatherhood. Nevertheless, I cannot understate how excited I am about the performances being brought to Columbia this weekend. Of greatest interest to me will be the discussions and enrichment activities added on to the performances themselves to help audience members learn more about the art. The two acts I am most excited about are The Amish Project (a one-woman performance) and The Whipping Man (a Civil War drama).
- My friend Calvin Ball is having a fundraiser next Tuesday, April 21, 5:30 pm at the Stanford Grill. Regular admission tickets are $20.15, which is accessible for anyone who wants to attend. I will be there and look forward to seeing many friends there as well.
- Allow me to join the chorus of people supporting the Eiland-Kirk-Davidoff-White-Woodcock Slate (you all couldn't think of a slate title?) for Oakland Mills Village Board. Village Elections are next weekend and I can't emphasize enough how important it is for you to educate yourself and vote. Many Columbians dismiss the importance of Village politics and hyper-local elections, but you should only do so knowing that the individuals elected will hold themselves out as carrying your support whether you vote or not. Time and again, Village Boards tell our local electeds what their village "wants" and these petitions are accepted in the absence of an alternative. If you want to speak for yourself and have your voice heard, carve out 10 minutes next Saturday and vote.
That's all for today! Have a great Thursday doing what you love!